House Cleaning (aka Heart Cleaning) Dec 1…

December 1, 2016 Leave a comment

Over the past week and a half I’ve had the opportunity to take two mini road trips.  The first with a close friend and personal mentor.  What a great time of discussion, challenging, fellowship and just togetherness.   So grateful for the people in my life.

The second trip is the one I’m writing about.  Not a super long trip, about 1.5 hours in each direction.   Normally I’d take along a podcast or listen to music or maybe talk radio.   But this time was different.  About 10 minutes into my trip the radio was silenced, windows closed and a time of solitude and quietness began.

I’ve noticed I do actually pray quite a bit throughout the day.   Often short prayers, for various things, people, ministries, or whatever is on my heart at that moment.  (Please don’t read into this – I am NOT saying “look at me and my holiness” – I am anything but…  however, setting a reference point for where we are about to journey.)  Often these prayers are short and sweet.  To the point and if I’m completely honest, rather one-sided.  Often it’s me lifting up request or situations to The Father and often not much listening in return.  Thus beings the beauty of my most recent road trip.

As I turned off my radio and settled in for the drive, I found myself talking with God.  Not only requests, but some self reflections, personal confessions, asking questions and just listening.   For the next hour I sat alone in my car, traveling, just having a conversation.  It’s the first time in a while I’ve just sat and talked and listened.  Have gotten out of my agenda driven day  full of meaningless “things to do” and just stopped and sought God with no rush or nothing to get to.

You see, normally when I do this, I rush through it cause I have somewhere to be or feel like there is something I need to be doing.  This time – I wanted to stop and be on God’s time instead of my own.

It was a great trip.   We discussed and touched on all kinds of topics from the state of the modern church, to my hopes and dreams, personal faithfulness and obedience submission to authority, sacrificial living, the future, personal purpose in ministry as well as just confession and request for support in faithful obedience in all areas.  Kind of a heart cleaning.  The best part.  As soon as I got in the car to head home, the radio stayed off and we picked up right where we left off.   In silence – seeking Him, and waiting on His time rather than rushing through my own.   I can’t begin to tell you how refreshing the past week has been.

If you haven’t in a while… let me encourage you to just stop – take some time to do some “heart cleaning”.  Self-examination and purposeful time with God.   It’s amazing what He does and stirs in us when we just take the time to listen to Him.   Since I take road trips for various reasons fairly often, I’ve decided to set legs aside for this each trip – and how ever long those moments last – the last.  I’ll continue to pray and try to focus more in the mean time – but want to take purposeful time to use opportunities of solitude to focus on Him rather than all the other ‘stuff’ I seem to come up with.

House cleaning is good…  heart cleaning is even better.

Body Language and the vote… Oct 31

October 31, 2016 Leave a comment

This past week I went to take advantage of the privilege, right, and (what I feel is) responsibility as a citizen to vote for the leadership of this country.  As I waited in the surprising long lines for early voting I began to watch the people.   Voters going in, voters coming out, voters waiting in line.   I suddenly noticed I was in a depressed and long-suffering environment.  Everyone looked down-trodden, defeated, and hopeless.  There was no lively conversation.  There was no interaction.  There was no life.   Almost every single face had a scorn look.  Shoulders slumped, head down, hollow gazes into seemingly endless distances, and no joy anywhere to be found.

As I watched the people around me, trying to start conversation and interact with those present – which wanted nothing to do with me, or anyone else for that matter.   It struck me as how sad this had become.  Regardless of politics (that is NOT what this post is about) – what an opportunity to meet people in my local community.  A chance to pour into and mingle with those who are in my direct neighborhood and town.

The more I watched, the more I realized – I’ve seen this attitude before.  This distant, hollowness.  This despondent attitude and aloof demeanor.   Then I realized where I’ve seen this.  Where I’ve experienced it.   My heart broke.

Small rabbit trail:  I LOVE the fact God has called me to do what I currently do.  I have the opportunity to meet believers and fellowships outside my immediate circle.  I have the opportunity to lead worship and play with guys on occasion for other churches and groups.  I get to visit other churches and do missions, I get to meet believers all over the world – and I LOVE IT!  I can’t explain how much of a blessing it is.  How much I am encouraged and how it motivates and energizes me!

Over the past several months, I’ve had an unusually high amount of contact with churches for various reasons.  Meeting with staff, or church representatives.   And this is where my realization ties in.

The look and feel from the voting lines this past week.  My heart broke because I recognized this look from many of the churches I’ve been introduced to lately.  This sullenness and borderline depression, almost a bitterness.   And I admit – it fired me up a little bit.  At first at the church.  Then after closer examination, at myself.

As the church – we should be the ones bringing the joy – interacting, loving people and meeting people where they are.  That our approach and the way we treat others should SHINE hope towards people who are stuck.  The feeling I had while waiting in line to vote is the same feeling I’ve had recently in several churches.    Again – my heart breaks.

We – the church, the body of Christ have evolved to a point where either we take it for granted, we aren’t really “buying in.” (Thank you @Johnmark_T for a GREAT sermon on “BUYING ALL IN to Christ” a couple of Sunday’s ago.  It’s still resonating in my heart!

There is probably an entire study here – about culture, complacency, priorities, the evolution of American Christianity, social religious expectation, and a ton of other things.  Many of which we’ve discussed in other posts.    My point is this…   When we as the church lose our joy, fail to engage people for the cause of Christ, and become unresponsive to the searching world around us – then we have failed as believers.  We have failed to share the love of Christ because we refuse to live it (for whatever reason.)

It broke my heart to immediately associate this scene with what I’ve seen in some churches recently.   Now – do NOT hear me say “churches have lost their way and are no longer relevant nor do they fulfill their purpose.”  I’m not saying that.  There are many AMAZING and WONDERFUL churches (a few of which I’ve been fortunate enough to engage and participate with in one form or another) – and there are great churches as well as Christian organizations out there doing great things!  But the reality is that there are some who aren’t.

But it was also a reminder of my personal demeanor, my attitude, my public display of actions and my interactions with others.  I don’t want to be the sour faced zombie in line to vote, get groceries, or pay for gas.  My desire is to be the smile on a rainy day.  The ear that listens to my server at the restaurant who has had a rough day.  To offer a hand to the guy who has run his battery out in the store parking lot.  The person who engages people – where they are, without expectation or judgement.  I want to love people well for the sake of loving them in the name of Christ rather than for selfish gain.

I fail at this miserably at time.  But I recognize the need for self-awareness.   I recognize the need for goals and targets.  Though I will never hit the bulls-eye every time, I know what I”m aiming for.   I hope the church comes to a place where we – as a whole – are aiming for the same things.  To impact lives to facilitate the means in which lives are transformed and relationships are restored (mainly the broken to Christ.)

I love how God provides situations and circumstances in everyday life that are constant reminders of what it looks like to pursue Him.  What it looks like when I’m not and what I need to do to sometimes correct or enhance my views, my compassion, my stances, my service, my heart, and my actions.   Sometimes those reminders are gentle.  Sometimes they hit head on.   I love serving a God that cares enough to invest in me.  That’s why I want to invest in others.


Beach Camp, Worship Revival, & VBS

July 8, 2015 Leave a comment

Besides being grossly overdue – which is common, it doesn’t mean God hasn’t been moving – even in my little corner of the world.   Exciting times to say the least!   Let’s begin with Beach Camp shall we…

In the midst of Tropical Storm Bill, we were on the sea wall facing the ocean.   Rain and storms didn’t even begin to slow camp down!   Around 130 youth – gathering in the banquet halls to play games, worship, small groups, and “Camp Prom”, and to just hang out.   Seeing God move in the lives of young people.  To see brokenness in places it was needed, to see encouragement for those needing to be encouraged, to see seeds planted in those searching.    Made some great new friends and met some incredible leaders.   Not to mention the storm finally clearing out, and us taking advantage of a last night 2 am ocean swim!

For me personally, it was a great time of renewed excitement for worship.   Not that I haven’t been excited or grateful in the responsibilities and honor of leading worship – but something about this trip brought back a deeper passion and excitement.   It stemmed from a couple of things;  A) the group of guys I was blessed to lead with.  Brock, Chris, and Billy.  There was a freedom in our worship that week.   There was a musical trust – and it was just fun interactions and camaraderie.   B) It makes it easy to lead when you have a group of people who are intent on worshiping and participate in that worship.   C) The evening worship times were on fire.  Not because of us (the band) – but because God was moving, and people were open to that – and there was a focus and seeking of Him.

I would walk away from each night of playing exhausted (in the best kind of way!)   Worship has always been fun – but it’s been a while since it’s been that fun!   I wish I could do this every night with a group of guys like this – for a group of worshipers like those!

That week was followed up by VBS.  150 young children running around, laughing, singing, dancing, eating candy, and doing all the things that little kids do.   It was a fun week.  A great followup to the week before.

Which leads me to this week.  I’ve just arrived in Colorado, to work with @ElevationLife Church in Loveland.  I always enjoy my stays up here each summer partnering with a church trying to reach a community and area that has some great churches but is still in desperate need of hope and life.   Elevation is one of those churches trying to provide just that.   I’m looking forward to spending a week at youth camp with them and leading some worship here with them as well.   Great people up here.   Just like the great people I met in Galveston, just like the great people at my home church.   What I love about the community of Christ – there ARE GREAT people everywhere – and I love getting to meet them!   So blessed to be in the position I’m in, to have the flexibility and freedom to do what I do.

Exciting summer has begun – and there’s an exciting summer ahead!  Only half way through!   Makes me wonder what the fall is going to bring?!?!   Whatever it is – it’s going to be an exciting ride!   Here we go!

Grace – May 18.2015

May 18, 2015 Leave a comment

Lately – been really digging into the meaning of Grace. Beyond the symbolism of the cross and the standard “church answers”. But the realization that Grace is beyond my comprehension in it’s purest form. Simply put, I can’t think that high.

That a perfect God – would willingly give up His authority and manifest himself as in imperfect body to reconcile a relationship we (mankind) messed up because we couldn’t fulfill our purpose of fellowship and worshiping God as we were created to do. The fact that God doesn’t NEED us – yet chooses us – and when we say ‘sacrificed’ himself for us has become a watered-down literary saying. Think about it…

The CREATOR, OWNER, RULER, POWER of EVERYTHING – on his own, without coercion or prompting, decided to give everything up – in order to help a group of people who say they love Him yet act like they hate him. To offer hope to a group who doesn’t deserve it. Who no only died on my behalf – but basically said “ok – bring it… I’ll do it – I’ll fulfill the law in order to break it. I’m not scared. You will still hate me – you will still turn on me. You will never do this for me. But I because you are my creation – I choose to pay off your debts. Work your shifts. Take on your hardships. Own your pain. And you don’t owe me. I do it because I care about you – even if you don’t care about me. Even though I have everything and you have nothing – I’m giving it to you so you don’t have to worry about it or be a slave to it if you choose not to be.

We say it – like we understand it. But I’ll be honest – I can’t fathom grace at that level – with that kind of commitment – with that kind of dedication and true sacrifice!

I do know this though – I’m grateful for it! And even though I can’t comprehend it to it’s fullest – I’ve accepted it and will continue to chase it, to better understand it, and to grow in it – all the while being thankful for it and hopefully submitting to it.

Grace, Grace. God’s Grace.
Grace that will pardon and cleanse within
Grace, Grace. God’s Grace.
Grace that is greater than all our sin!

Larger community than we realize… March 23.

March 23, 2015 Leave a comment

The church I attend has a sister church in Germany called Anderrnach City Church.  Yearly, they come over to participate in missions, lead sports camps, fellowship with our church, and walk side by side with us as we engage our local community.   They’ve been coming over to visit us for years.   Our church members make trips over to walk along side them in their ministry as well.    We partner to help support and volunteer time at an orphanage in Mexico, as well as other local ministry’s in this area.   What a change in concept for American evangelicals.  The past 100 years has been about (in typical Western mindset) Western Christians sending missionaries out to the rest of the world…  I think there is a lot to be said that presently OTHER countries are sending their missionaries to the U.S. – but that is a topic for another time…

Since the “German’s” (as they are affectionately referred, even though they are typically from multiple European countries) come over typically in the spring, which is my personal busiest season with work and other activities, I haven’t had the opportunity to get to know many of them as well as others in our church.  At least not in a deep meaningful relational way.   This year – that all changed.

I’ve had chances to speak and email over the past couple of years with Mike – the pastor of Anderrnach City Church.  This year I had time to spend some quality time with “the German’s”.   What a fantastic heart filling experience it was.  Not because they are European, have beautiful accents, and not because my heart resonates for the European continent (as anyone who knows me will attest to.)    But because of the depth and interaction, complete freedom in being transparent and venerable,  and the length of topics regarding theology and the modern church and culture that were discussed.

Growing relationships with Oliver and Dimitri – learning about their faith and struggles.   Discussions with “Ireland Mike” regarding his ministry and purpose of ministry using outdoor education and sporting ministry to reach people.   learning how Rich reaches out and participates in ministry and how he uses his skills and experience to impact lives for the cause of Christ everywhere he goes.   Late night discussions with Mike specifically regarding sports ministry, networking, commitment and life priorities in regards to Christians and ministry.

Most likely my favorite conversation of the entire week was with Toolie.   An lengthy discussion of the modern’s church interaction with society.  The theology of the Modern church, how it’s influenced by tradition, how it interacts with modern culture, and how all of that ties in and relates specifically to scripture and truth.  Why we do what we do and how we do it.   How it’s different between our cultures – and how similar it is at the same time.  Not only identifying where the church sometimes misses the mark or doesn’t fulfill our purpose (because that’s easy) – but approaches to break through those barriers and perceptions and manners in which to implement, in practical ways, meathods and relationships that ginuine and real which seek to transform lives and enrich people, rather than condemn or push away.   It was an amazing night of conversation, discussion, debate, soul searching, and practical thought – not to mention a great time of fellowship and growing.

The reason this conversation was so significant for me wasn’t the bond Toolie and I instantly had – life long friends who had known each other for a few days…  but rather the reminder of brotherhood and common causes.  The gentle reminder that we are not alone in this world with our walks of faith, our struggles, triumphs, blessings, or our challenges.

It’s easy to become so engrained in my corner of the world it’s becomes easy to overlook the rest of the universe and all that God is at work doing.   God doesn’t only move her in the U.S., or in Texas, or whatever town you or I may live in at that moment.   Ministry is NOT dependent on anything you or I can individually do or offer.  But instead, is a collective of ministries that people all over the world are jointly participating in (more often unbeknownst to us) under the direction of Christ for His cause.   That so quickly puts into perspective just how much bigger God truly is.  How much greater His plan is and how Great He is.   I have my role and part in that plan.  And when those opportunities come about that allow you to see just a glimpse of what else God is doing in other places – that I have no hand in or direct contact with, it’s a great reminder that He doesn’t NEED me, but instead ALLOWS me to participate in His purpose.   For that I’m grateful.

I’m also grateful for the new brothers I have around the world…  who are praying for me – and I am happy to pray for.  It makes the anticipation of the day we are all together in The Kingdom that much more exciting.   I love seeing how God works all these little things together in this vast web of purpose and collaboration and faith.   It’s exciting times!

Hurting and restoration… Jan 20

January 20, 2015 Leave a comment

This past week I’ve had some good conversations about this past Sunday morning.  Conversations regarding the impact of worship, regarding the potency of message, regarding personal conviction, regarding repentance, and in some cases just plain brokenness.   My heart breaks for those in the midst of turmoil and struggle.  However, it excites me to see God working in people’s hearts that are seeking him.

None of us enjoy the journey of struggle; however, the end result after the fact ends in blessing and restoration.   To me, that is a beautiful thing!  No steel is forged without going through the fire.   Our spiritual life is often the same.   To grow and strengthen, at time – we need the challenge.  We need the discomfort in order to stretch and pull.  Sometimes, even to simply be obedient because it’s so easy to get distracted in today’s society.

I don’t like seeing brothers and sisters struggle, in pain, or in the midst of crisis – but I do like seeing the outcome.   The act of restoration, fulfillment and empowerment after the process.  It’s the outcome that makes the hurting in the mean time worth while.   During those times – it’s my obligation as a brother to pray for you, to hurt with you, and walk beside you – for God’s sovereignty and grace, truth revealed, and your faithfulness increased.   I’m grateful for those who walk with me in similar times.   That is what family and community is about…

Alienation – pushing away. – October 6

October 7, 2014 2 comments

I recently saw an interview with a young lady who grew up in the church, struggled with life issues and made lifestyle choices.  As a result, she was quickly alienated from her church to the point she quit going and hasn’t returned since.  (Don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to get into a discussion of morality, political or cultural implications, or anything like that.)   I want to discuss the church for a moment.  Not the churches stance on alternative lifestyles, not setting moral standards for our culture or anything like that… let’s delve a little deeper. As I watched the interview, my heart broke for the girl.  She was in community.  She was surrounded by support, but in the end – didn’t really get much support.  What I began to wonder is that if the church doesn’t want to minister to her now that she has made her choices public, what did they do to minister to her while she struggled. My point in this isn’t the specific issue this particular individual struggled with, but with any struggle any member of any church has.  How do we minister to our brothers and sisters?  How do we help and encourage each other as we wade through the struggles of life?   And, if we truly are in community, how would it ever get to the point where the church would put one of their own at risk. Why do we as the church – instead of nurturing and walking life together, instead set standards that if crossed we push out rather than trying to restore and exemplify grace?  Maybe because we don’t know how?   Maybe it’s because we’re afraid?  Maybe because we (the church) have it all figured out.   Maybe it’s because we don’t truly understand grace?  (I know I don’t completely understand it in it’s entirety.) I do find it ironic that Christ seemed to reach out to those in need, to those who were hopeless, to those who struggled and were typically social outcast.  It seems that Christ was hardest on those who had it all “figured out”.  But then, I’m not a smart guy or theologian by any means – so what do I know? Wouldn’t it be great – if we as a church, as community – embraced those who were in need.  If we took care of those who were wounded.  If we lifted up those who were broken and ministered to those in desperate need of hope.  If we walked through life and struggle with those who stumble.  I’d rather have someone walking with me who helped me catch my footing rather than told me how I fell.   If those of us who “have it all figured out” lived a little more like Christ – how much stronger would the church be?  How much more of an impact could we have?   How many people, struggling with issues could be brought to a closer understanding of God’s grace.  How many could be given comfort and shown hope? I think it would be great if maybe I did a better job of embracing these actions myself.  Even towards the church, when they treat me like I’m the outcast.   Maybe this is my chance to show grace to the church – cause it seems like the church sometimes needs to see it too – just like the rest of us…

Not forgotten… Sept 4

September 4, 2014 Leave a comment

I know it’s been quiet. Too quiet in fact. However, I haven’t abandoned or forgotten the blog… we have however, been creating an entirely new MikesMission web site. There have been a few challenges and snags along the way – but not stopping us! The goal is that the NEW blog/Website will be up and running by the end of the month… so please stay tuned! Good stuff is yet to come!

In the mean time – you can stay in touch via twitter (@mikesmission) and on the MikesMission Facebook page. Quick updates and posts are still being made there while this site is updated!

Thanks for the continued prayer and support…

Memorial Day… May 26.

May 26, 2014 Leave a comment

Having been in the military – today has special significance for me.   I Think of soldiers and patriots who have given their lives in defense of their country, freely offered self-sacrifice so others may have a better lives, free from tyranny and oppression.  I think of some friends who have fallen in service that I’ve known and/or served with.  I also think of all those who have come before who though I haven’t known – there is still a connection – a brotherhood that bonds through the uniform.  

I have not suffered or experienced anything like those who participated in in WW II, Korea, Vietnam, or even the Gulf Wars – but am grateful for those who have honored the uniform, who have honored our country, who have honored freedom, and who have served faithfully – even though sometimes we disagree politically or or for other various reasons.  

Today I’ve taken time to look through some pictures of national cemeteries and other events honoring those who have have come before and given the ultimate sacrifice.   The rights and freedoms I have are because of these brave individuals who have given their lives to sustain freedom.   The greatest honor I could ever receive from anyone.   It’s beyond humbling…

US Soldiers aren’t the only one’s who have given their lives for freedom, for what they believe in, for what is just and right.  History is filled with countless examples of those who were willing to die to make a stance against evil to promote that which is righteous.   Stephen, James, Peter, Paul, Polycarp, Felicity, Ignatious, Thomas Becket, Felix Manz, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and countless others…  

There are those who have died for their country.  Their are those who die for their beliefs – but none can out-shadow Christ – who died form all oh humanity.  

I don’t think I take time often enough – to really take in the entire gravity of the sacrifice those have made…  Christ included.  

I hope today those who have sacrificed are honored.   It is also my hope that Christ sacrifice is honored…  not only today – but everyday…


Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13

Out of Easter… into the purpose…

April 25, 2014 Leave a comment

Easter has been such a busy and incredible time.    Which once again leaves me lacking in the posting portion of Mike Mission.   To catch you up (briefly), I was blessed to lead worship at Alsbury on Palm Sunday with worship leader Steven Powell.   I always enjoy those moments and leading with someone so passionate about worship.   That following Friday was Tenebrae, not ever an easy service, but such a great reminder of the despair, chaos, and confusion, the world slipped into when all the hopes and dreams of what was perceived to be true was rocked.   (Thankfully for us, we just didn’t see the entire picture until a few days later!)  Then Easter arrived.  What a great day of worship and rejoicing!  What a great recovery of emotion to come out of Tenebrae to a triumphant celebration!

Which leads up to the current week.   Wednesday night in our small group with the worship team, we were reading from Corinthians – and began to dive into the discussion of Love.  What a great reminder that all actions are in vain if they are done without love.  That the motives, reasoning, sacrifices, and everything else are useless unless completed and offered out of the humility of love.  As busy as I’ve been lately – and as tired as it’s made me – that was a reminder and lesson I really needed.  Doing things for God isn’t worth much if we aren’t doing things WITH God.  Was so grateful for that lesson that night.  It really hit home.

It also was a reminder of a book I was given by a good friend (Chris Witt) called The Practice Of The Presence Of God, which is a collection of letters and commentary on the life of a 15th century monk.  The book basically emphasizes the same thing.  About all of our callings and actions should be rejoyceful to The Father and carried out with the deepest expressions of love and gratefulness, since we were allowed to do that given task – whatever it may be.  In brother Lawrence case, it was washing dishes and serving others.

It made me wonder how many times I become disgruntled for ‘having’ to serve others, or do things that seem inconvenient to me – when instead, I’ve been offered the opportunity to be blessed by blessing someone else.  That’s where I have to practice more discipline and check my own ambitions, ego, selfishness, vanity, and distractions at the door.   In the end – and the beginning – and everything in between, it isn’t about me.  It’s about love – and as we’re taught in scripture – God is Love.  There is an entirely new path of thought to follow with this – but this isn’t the time at this moment…

So if I may close this post by being cheesy for just a moment, I’d like to quote a famous line from a Beatles song…  “All we need is Love…”
I doubt they even realized how true of a statement that really is…


“all together now…”